Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rookie Card

There comes a time in every young players life when he becomes marketable.  At that point he is asked to take time out from his training schedule to participate in the production of his trading card.  These have been an essential part of all great sporting careers.  Levi's rookie season has proven to be no different.  Here are some of the pictures that have made the final cut:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

BYE week

Sorry for the lack o' updates, we have seemed to have had a busy go of it lately. Levi recently had his first halloween and therefore his inaugural costume. Seeing as how he has not stated any preferences or objections, we (and by we i mean my wife) decided his costume for him. So without further ado. . .

We were also lucky enough to have an out-of-town visitor that same weekend. Carin came to see us (and by us i mean Laura and Levi). We all had a great time together and were sad to see her go. So I thought I would include a picture that captured Levi's initial reaction to our old friend.